Dear Silicon Flatirons Community Member,
I have been Interim Executive Director since December 2021. I am excited to provide an update about the Silicon Flatirons Center.
It is an honor to help Silicon Flatirons through this transition period. I was a student in Phil Weiser’s Telecom Law class when he launched Silicon Flatirons. I came back to CU as the Silicon Flatirons Fellow in 2005. My roles here have changed over the years. But I’ve never left. I believe deeply in the center’s mission to advance technology policy, convene brilliant minds to debate important issues, build the startup community, and accelerate students’ careers. I plan to remain in the Interim Executive Director role until the end of June.
The commitment of Silicon Flatirons staff, faculty directors, and fellows is unwavering. Our goals this spring are three-fold: (1) set up a terrific 2022 lineup of events that engages the Silicon Flatirons Community; (2) keep the Center’s organization and support in strong shape; and (3) put Silicon Flatirons in a position of strength as it seeks new leadership later in 2022. I’m delighted to report that each goal is on track.
First, the quality of the 2022 lineup looks great. We started February 2022 with a high-profile Fireside Chat between FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, followed by an energetic panel discussion led by Silicon Flatirons colleague Blake Reid. As the pandemic allowed for more in-person interactions, we teamed up with Venture Partners at CU Boulder to connect the startup community through an Entrepreneurs Unplugged Session with SolidPower CEO Doug Campbell.
Finally, in a nod to the value of Silicon Flatirons research, in particular the efforts of Pierre de Vries and Dale Hatfield, the FCC is now focusing on the interference protection rights and duties of radio receiver operators. This important issue, which Dale has been pursuing for decades, has been a topic of Silicon Flatirons events and publications since 2009.
A rich lineup is on the way for the balance of 2022 and early 2023. Since we canceled the Annual Conference due to the spread of COVID-19, we encourage the Silicon Flatirons community to join us this fall for the Spectrum Conference on October 7-8. The balance of the 2022 lineup showcases the full range of Silicon Flatirons diverse substantive engagement. The lineup includes the following public-facing events:
- May 2022 — The debut of a monthly Startup Community Variety Show, which will bring together the CU campus and the surrounding startup scene. I will lead this effort.
- September 2022 — Intellectual Property Initiative Conference, co-hosted with SERCI and led by Kristelia García.
- October 7-8, 2022 — Spectrum Policy Initiative Conference: Resolving Interference Conflicts among “Highest and Best” Uses of the Radio Spectrum, led by Dale Hatfield and Keith Gremban.
- November 4, 2022 — Access Conference focused on data access and transparency, led by Margot Kaminski.
- February 2023 — Silicon Flatirons Annual Conference.
- Spring 2023 — Telecom and Platforms Initiative Conference focused on technology and accessibility, led by Blake Reid.
- Spring 2023 — Artificial Intelligence Initiative Conference focused on cryptocurrency, led by Harry Surden.
- June 1-3, 2023 — National Privacy Law Scholars Conference, co-hosted with the University of Colorado Law School.
- Fall and Spring — Various Entrepreneurship Events (Entrepreneurs Unplugged and Crash Course Series).
We are proud of our community. Together, the attorneys, technologists, innovators, academics, advocates, students, and professionals from the public and private sectors are the components that make up the whole of Silicon Flatirons. You are a part of what makes us special, and we are so excited to continue working with you.

— Brad Bernthal