Our Team

Nate Mariotti

Silicon Flatirons — Managing Director

Nate oversees day-to-day policies, procedures, and operations to execute Silicon Flatirons’ vision and mission. He directs the center’s overall administrative and operational functions, designing and implementing changes necessary to accomplish short and long-term objectives and goals while adhering to best practices.

His primary foci include striving to maintain a stable business infrastructure and creating efficiencies across all operating activities so manageable and sustainable growth translate into positive experiences and relationships for the Silicon Flatirons community at large. He also carries authority and responsibility for fiscal transactions and monitors and manages the center’s gift funds, auxiliary funds, and endowments.

Before joining Silicon Flatirons, Nate spent two years leveraging business intelligence solutions to design and develop robust solutions for small businesses. Prior to that he spent nearly a decade running day-to-day operations for an international continuing education organization for mental health professionals. He is a proud fourth generation Boulder County native; graduate of The University of Colorado Denver; husband; and father to his two sons.

Nate is invigorated by the drive and dedication exhibited by the students at University of Colorado Law School and CU at large, and the diverse Silicon Flatirons community that supports them in kind. He is honored to serve at the nexus of these groups and carry on the principles that the center was founded on.

Personal pronouns: He, him, his.

Christine McCloskey

Silicon Flatirons — Program Coordinator

Sara Schnittgrund, MA

Silicon Flatirons — Student Programs Director

Sara connects with students and alumni to educate them on the breadth of educational, extracurricular, and professional opportunities available with Silicon Flatirons and University of Colorado Law School.  She engages students to encourage and support them in pursuit of opportunities that align with their interests and goals, and supports their strategic career development through managing a variety of internship, fellowship, or employment opportunities as well as outside-the-classroom events, programs, and competitions.

Sara is a graduate of CU Boulder and earned her Master of International Management Degree from the University of Denver. She has been working at Colorado Law since 2011 and loves building personal connections with the students, alumni, and community there and within the University of Colorado at large.

Sara is a fifth generation Colorado native and lives in Boulder, and when she isn’t working, she enjoys spending her free time hiking the nearby mountain trails with her husband and three grown children.

Personal pronouns: She, her, hers.

Shannon Sturgeon

Silicon Flatirons — Event Coordinator

Shannon manages the planning and execution of all Silicon Flatirons events to ensure a high-quality experience for all participants, and represents the center in discussions, negotiations, and decisions with various government and professional groups, external and internal vendors, and university groups to that end.

As a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP), Shannon loves the fast-paced, demanding environment of event management, including the need to think on her feet and utilize quick problem-solving skills, while simultaneously exercising discretion and providing unparalleled customer service. Shannon is passionate about the attendee experience and enjoys working in conjunction with Silicon Flatirons Initiative Directors, staff, students, and other stakeholders to create events with meaningful, lasting impact.

Shannon is a University of Colorado graduate, and proud to work for her alma mater. She joined the Silicon Flatirons team after nearly six years as an Event Planner in the University Memorial Center at the Boulder Campus, and prior to returning to CU she worked in television production and for event planning firms in Denver.

Personal pronouns: She, her, hers.

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