Intellectual Property Policy and the Presidential Election: A Discussion on its Future by Leading Policy Advisors to the Candidates

Join the IP Section of the Colorado Bar Association and Silicon Flatirons on the last day of the Democratic National Convention as we bring together representatives from both the McCain and Obama presidential campaigns to speak about the respective campaigns’ positions on IP and technology policy issues.

Tags: Content/IP

Co-Sponsored by the IP Section of the Colorado Bar Association, Dorsey & Whitney LLP, Greenberg Traurig, Merchant & Gould, Sheridan Ross PC, and Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP

In the News

Click here for a post-event writeup.


Join the IP Section of the Colorado Bar Association and Silicon Flatirons on the last day of the Democratic National Convention as we bring together representatives from both the McCain and Obama presidential campaigns to speak about the respective campaigns’ positions on IP and technology policy issues.

This will be the first time that either campaign has agreed to publicly discuss topics such as patent reform, piracy, counterfeiting and judicial appointments.

Representing the McCain campaign:

  • Ed Reines, Senior Partner at Weil Gotshal, president of the Federal Circuit Bar Association and a member of Senator McCain’s Justice Advisory Committee
  • Ray Gifford, Partner at Kamlet, Shepherd & Reichert

Representing the Obama campaign:

  • Arti Rai, Elvin R. Latty Professor of Law at Duke Law School
  • Christopher Sprigman, Professor of Law at University of Virginia School of Law


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