The tragedy of yesterday’s mass shooting in Boulder feels both familiar but new. For too long we have lived the reality of gun violence across the state of Colorado and the United States. However, never before has it hit so very close to our home, only a couple short miles from the University of Colorado Law School. We shared in the horror of those who watched as the story developed and as news trickled out about the devastating and senseless loss of life.
The past year has been so difficult for so many. We have strived to protect ourselves and our families from the invisible lethality of COVID-19 as it spread through our communities, many struggling in isolation. Our students have felt this most acutely as they have continued to invest in their education while their plans for the future were, in many cases, irreversibly altered.
In the midst of this, we woke up this morning with the burden of yet another example, not of the pain of illness, but of the suffering that we inflict upon one another. We add yesterday’s loss of life to our collective reservoir of grief. Our hearts extend to the families, friends, and loved ones of the victims as they face the mental anguish that stems from this affront to humanity.
We stand with the survivors and the community to seek real solutions as we once again confront the realities of gun violence. In times like these our community is more important than ever. It is vital that we come together, support one another, and find courage in our collective strength to overcome the fear that comes far too easily. We urge our students, faculty, and staff who are struggling to take advantage of the resources available to them through the university, and we thank our full community for the outflowing of love and support they have shown. We will continue to look for ways to help the community move forward.