Journal on Telecommunications and High Technology Law Turns Seven and Launches

Today, the JTHTL stands at the forefront of many critical debates affecting both telecommunications and high technology, including most notably the debate surrounding network neutrality.

Seven years ago, a group of University of Colorado School of Law students working with Silicon Flatirons Executive Director and University of Colorado Law Professor Phil Weiser launched the Journal on Telecommunications & High Technology Law (“the JTHTL” or “the Journal”). By 2006, the Berkeley Electronic Press had concluded that the JTHTL ranks fifth among journals publishing articles on intellectual property and technology law. Today, the JTHTL stands at the forefront of many critical debates affecting technology policy, including most notably the debate surrounding network neutrality.

The rapid ascendance of the JTHTL can be attributed to the Journal’s interdisciplinary articles written by prominent scholars and industry leaders. Past and present authors include former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael K. Powell, Columbia law professor Tim Wu, N.Y.U. Economist Michael Katz and Robert Kahn, who, along with Vint Cerf, invented the Internet.

Most of the JTHTL’s articles arise from work presented at the Silicon Flatirons Digital Broadband Migration conference held at the University of Colorado each February. Over the past five years, this annual conference has particularly nurtured the evolving network neutrality debate. Columbia Professor Tim Wu’s influential paper, Network Neutrality, Broadband Discrimination, was originally presented at the 2003 conference. Many important articles and conference presentations have followed. Last year, the JTHTL’s Editor-in-Chief Micah Schwalb decided it was time to make this critical discourse on network neutrality available all in one place, including videos of the conferences and the resulting scholarship. As a result, he launched the website The JTHTL continues to update and to expand the website as the network neutrality debate evolves through the Journal’s articles and the Digital Broadband Migration and other Silicon Flatirons conferences.

The JTHTL is always pleased to accept submissions of scholarly articles, position papers, presentations, and other material for publication from professors, attorneys, government officials, industry participants, and other individuals active in the field of telecommunications and technology law and policy. Please send softcopy manuscripts to the attention of the JTHTL Articles Editors at in Word or PDF formats. The JTHTL will also accept submissions via ExpressO, an electronic submission service run by the Berkeley Electronic Press.

Your financial support of the JTHTL is also critical. The Journal relies on paid subscriptions to keep itself going. Subscriptions per volume are available for $45.00; we publish two issues per volume. Please direct subscription requests to: JTHTL Managing Editor, Campus Box 401, Boulder, CO 80309-401.

For more information about the JTHTL, please e-mail the Editor-in-Chief at or call 303-492-0913.

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