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  1. “Digital Copyright and Innovation Online: A Little Dose of Optimism,” a public lecture by Fred von Lohmann of the Electronic Frontier Foundation:

    In his talk, Fred von Lohmann of the Electronic Frontier Foundation will provide an overview of emerging copyright rules and argue that Congress, the courts, and the marketplace have struck a balance that is proving surprisingly successful in protecting copyright incentives, stimulating innovation, and encouraging private ordering in the marketplace.

  2. Putting the Law Online, A Law.Gov Workshop

    A public workshop co-hosted by the Wise Law Library at the University of Colorado Law School and Public.Resource.Org. How can federal, state, and local governments increase access to statutes, ordinances, regulations, and cases? Silicon Flatirons is hosting a workshop as part of the Law.Gov series, which is aimed at producing a report to answer questions like these.

  3. Crash Course: Guerrilla PR for Startups

    Guerrilla PR for Startups: how to’s, how don’ts and lessons from the front lines. This crash course is a great resource for people trying to launch…

  4. Platform Policy for Networks, Infrastructure, and Applications

    View Event Recording In early 2002, Silicon Flatirons convened one of theย first symposia on…

  5. Crash Course on UX: How Experience Design Can Make Any Product Better

    Imagine the following: knowing what your customers want before you begin developing your product; or better yet, imagine if people talked about your…

  6. Opportunities for Healthcare IT, Quality, and Consumer Empowerment

    To explore the relevant opportunities and associated challenges related to using information technology to promote greater quality in health care, the Silicon Flatirons Center will bring together leading Colorado entrepreneurs, healthcare professionals, public officials, and academics to advance the discussion around technological progress in the healthcare industry.

  7. When Companies Study Their Customers:The Changing Face of Science, Research, and Ethics

    Hosted by the Silicon Flatirons Center for Law, Technology, and Entrepreneurship and the Tech Policy Lab at the University of…

  8. Crash Course: Navigating the Hiring Process

    Hiring is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. And yet most people get it wrong. Tom Fischaber of Woot Math will help you get it right.…

  9. Crash Course with Jason Haislmaier on Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs

    Whether you are exploring a new product idea, developing an initial business plan, pitching investors, or preparing for a successful exit,…

  10. The Challenges of Information Management

    An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Secure Data Collection, Storage and Retention Co-Sponsored by the Computer and Communications Security Center and…

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