Anthony Aguirre

UC Santa Cruz — Professor of Physics
Future of Life Institute — Executive Director

Anthony Aguirre is a the Faggin Professor of the Physics of Information at University of California at Santa Cruz. Prior to UCSC, he received his PhD from Harvard University, and was a member at the Institute for Advanced Study. In his scientific research, Aguirre has studied a wide variety of topics in theoretical cosmology, black holes and gravity physics, the foundations of quantum mechanics, foundations of statistical mechanics, and inflationary cosmology. Alongside his academic career, Aguirre has also founded and played a core leadership role in several science and technology-focused organizations. In 2014 he co-founded the Future of Life Institute, an international NGO addressing the implications of transformational technology, particularly artificial intelligence. There, he currently serves as Executive Director. In 2006 he co-founded the Foundational Questions Institute, a US nonprofit supporting fundamental physics research, where he serves as President. He is also President of Metaculus, an online science and technology forecasting platform, which he co-founded in 2014.

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