Trust and Trustworthiness in the Tech Sector
February 9 – 12, 2021
In recent years, the concept of trust has pervaded conversations about technology law and policy. Questions have abounded about the collection and use of personal data, the bias of platforms reflected in the posts they do or do not remove, and the relationships between companies and government agencies.
This three day flagship event will bring together an interdisciplinary roster of experts to discuss trust and trustworthiness; how these concepts have been approached in other sectors, and how to apply those lessons in the tech sector to improve policies, practices, and communications.
Opening Night: Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Day One: Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Day Two: Thursday, February 11, 2021
Day Three: Friday, February 12, 2021
Featured Keynote Panel
- Jack Gillum, Senior Reporter, ProPublica
- Commissioner Geoffrey Starks, U.S. Federal Communications Commission
- Phil Weiser, Colorado Attorney General
- Commissioner Christine S. Wilson, U.S. Federal Trade Commission
Keynote Speakers
- Afua Bruce, Chief Program Officer, DataKind
- Angelique Carson, Director of Content, Osano
- Maura Corbett, Founder and CEO, Glen Echo Group
- Kristelia García,
- Dr. Nicol Turner Lee, Director, Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution
- Andy Sturt, Department of Journalism, University of Colorado Boulder
Featured Speakers
- Jane Bambauer
- Catherine Bannister
- Brad Bernthal
- Ellery Roberts Biddle
- Jesse Blumenthal
- Erika Brown Lee
- Daniel Castro
- Sylvie Delacroix
- Deven Desai
- JP (Pierre) de Vries
- Casey Fiesler
- Jeremy Grant
- Naima Green-Riley
- Dirk Hensel
- Sarah Holland
- Siona Listokin
- Marianela López-Galdos
- Jasmine McNealy
- Paul Ohm
- Riana Pfefferkorn
- Shepherd Pittman
- Chris Lewis
- Duane Pozza
- Blake E. Reid
- Gabrielle Rejouis
- Dr. Jennifer Roberts
- Brian Scriber
- Katie Shilton
- Caroline Sinders
- Sherwin Siy
- Amie Stepanovich
- Harry Surden
- Hugo Teufel
- Martin Tisné
- Frank Torres
- Jeff Turner
- Danielle Varda
- Kim Wachtel
- Jessica Wilkerson
- Molly Wilson
- Cobun Zweifel-Keegan