The Structure of the Video Programming Industry: Revolution, Regulation, or The Return of Yesterday's Battles?

The structure of the video programming industry is facing a perfect storm of technological change, increased competition, and calls for new regulation.

Tags: Technology Policy

Co-sponsored by the Cable Center and the Communications Technology Professionals

The structure of the video programming industry is facing a perfect storm of technological change, increased competition, and calls for new regulation. Responding to these forces, both producers and distributors of video content are increasingly exploring new business models, ranging from streaming video to same day DVD release to video on demand. In some cases, these business models undermine established patterns of doing business and call into question existing regulatory policies. To explore this set of issues, this conference will bring together a group of industry leaders to examine the intertwined policy, business, and technological issues.

The conference will address the changing industry structure by focusing on three distinct set of themes–the opportunities and challenge of independent networks; the role of access regulation; and the impact of new technologies. In terms of the rise of independent networks, some view the challenges of the NFL Network and claim that the barriers to entry are simply too great. Others, however, suggest that the legacy model of cable networks is unsustainable in the face of continually rising programming costs and opportunities for distribution via the Internet. As to access regulation, the re-authorization of the program access rules and recently initiated proceeding looking at cable network bundling reflect concerns about market power and vertical integration. For the cable industry, the increasing regulatory attention at a time of increasing competition is difficult to understand. Any new regulatory initiatives (or continuation of old ones) must grapple with the impact of new technologies, particularly those related to the Internet, and the question of whether TV viewing will be liberated from the traditional delivery channels and available in multi-forms and in different media or will continue to rely on intermediaries in a world where viewing habits may well be stubborn and resistant to change.


10/17/08 8:30am - 8:45am
  • Jana Henthorn
    Senior Vice President of Programs and Education, Cable Center
10/17/08 8:45am - 9:45am
New Opportunities and Challenges for Networks
  • David Zagin
    Executive Vice President, Distribution, AETN
  • Bridget Baker
    President, TV Networks Distribution, NBC Universal
  • Susan Fox
    Vice President for Government Relations, The Walt Disney Company
  • Frank Hawkins
    Partner, Scalar Media Partners
10/17/08 9:45am - 10:45am
The Impact of New Technologies
  • Mark W. Jackson
    President, EchoStar Technologies L.L.C.
  • Ryan McIntyre
    Managing Director, Foundry Group
  • Peter Stern
    Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, Time Warner Cable
  • Andrew McFarlane
    CEO, Buzzwire
10/17/08 10:45am - 11:00am

10/17/08 11:00am - 12:00pm
The Role of Access Regulation: Regional Sports Networks, Program Access, and Must Carry
  • Dan Brenner
    Senior Vice President for Law & Regulatory Policy, National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA)
  • Linda Kinney
    Senior Vice President, Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
  • Marsha McBride
    Executive Vice President, National Association of Broadcasters
  • Kathy Zachem
    Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Comcast Corporation
10/17/08 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Lunch and Keynote Speaker
  • Hon. Michael Copps
    FCC Commissioner

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