The Digital Broadband Migration: The Dynamics of Disruptive Innovation

The Internet ecosystem – consisting of network providers, application developers, content creators and end users – continues to be a source of disruptive innovation. It provides enormous benefit to consumers everywhere while continuing to present significant challenges to existing business models and to policymakers and regulators. Silicon Flatiron’s 2011 Digital Broadband Migration Conference, entitled “The Dynamics of Disruptive Innovation,” will focus on the sources and nature of these disruptive advances, how they can be nurtured rather than stifled, and how any negative consequences for consumers can be minimized or averted.

Tags: Technology Policy

The Internet ecosystem – consisting of network providers, application developers, content creators and end users – continues to be a source of disruptive innovation. It provides enormous benefit to consumers everywhere while continuing to present significant challenges to existing business models and to policymakers and regulators. Silicon Flatiron’s 2011 Digital Broadband Migration Conference, entitled “The Dynamics of Disruptive Innovation,” will focus on the sources and nature of these disruptive advances, how they can be nurtured rather than stifled, and how any negative consequences for consumers can be minimized or averted.

The conference will begin with a tutorial overview of the evolution of the Internet, including recent disruptive developments. The first panel will put these developments in perspective by addressing such questions as: (1) what creates the necessary conditions for innovation in networked industries; (2) how those conditions can be cultivated; and (3) what conditions tend to smother rather than encourage innovation? The second panel will pick up this thread and address alternative governance structures and processes that can be used to create positive conditions for continued innovation while minimizing, for example, the need for counterproductive government intrusion in the market. The third panel will concentrate on the particular challenges faced by the content-based sector and on possible business models that may allow that sector to flourish in a drastically changed environment. The fourth and final panel will return to the issue of governance by focusing on the role that existing, evolved, or new multi-stakeholder entities such as standards groups and self-regulation bodies can play in meeting the twin goals of facilitating continued rapid innovation while providing efficient and effective consumer protection.

Several outstanding keynote speakers will complement the tutorial and the individual panels. Silicon Flatirons looks forward to another successful Digital Broadband Migration Conference and we hope that you will be able to join us February 13-14, 2011.


02/13/11 8:30am - 8:45am
  • Dale Hatfield
    Spectrum Policy Initiative Co-director and Distinguished Advisor, Silicon Flatirons
02/13/11 8:45am - 9:15am
Technology Overview: Evolution of the Internet and Its Disruptive Nature
02/13/11 9:15am - 9:35am
Overview Address
  • Aneesh Chopra
    Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Hunch Analytics
02/13/11 9:35am - 11:30am
Panel I: Disruptive Innovation in Perspective
  • Vinton G. Cerf
    Vice President and Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
  • Brad Feld
    Partner, Foundry Group
  • Michael Powell
    President & CEO, National Cable & Telecommunications Association (NCTA)
  • Michael Fricklas
    Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, Viacom Inc.
  • Aneesh Chopra
    Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Hunch Analytics
  • Dan Reed
    Corporate Vice President of Technology Policy and Strategy, Microsoft
02/13/11 11:30am - 1:00pm
Lunch (on your own)

02/13/11 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Panel II: Governance Strategies for Innovation Policy
  • Michele C. Farquhar — Moderator
    Partner, Hogan Lovells
  • Mark Cooper — Presenter
    Research Director, Consumer Federation of America
  • Susan Crawford — Presenter
    Professor of Law, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
  • Sharon Gillett — Presenter
    Chief, Wireline Competition Bureau, Federal Communications Commission
  • Stephen F. Williams — Commenter
    Senior United States Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit
  • Howard Shelanski — Commenter
    Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, The White House
  • Robert Quinn — Commenter
    Senior Vice President-Federal Regulatory & Chief Privacy Officer, AT&T
02/13/11 3:00pm - 3:15pm

02/13/11 3:15pm - 5:15pm
Panel III: Content and the Innovation Society-How will Content-Based Business Succeed and Will They?
  • Paul Ohm — Moderator
    Associate Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
  • Mark A. Lemley — Presenter
    William H. Neukom Professor of Law, Stanford University; Director, Program in Law, Science and Technology, Stanford University
  • Gigi B. Sohn — Presenter
    Counselor to the Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
  • Paul de Sa — Presenter
    Chief, Office of Strategic Planning & Policy Analysis, Federal Communications Commission
  • Michael D. Gallagher — Commenter
    President and Chief Executive Officer, Entertainment Software Association
  • Susan Fox — Commenter
    Vice President for Government Relations, The Walt Disney Company
  • Maureen O'Connell — Commenter
    Senior Vice President, Regulatory and Public Policy, 21st Century Fox
  • David Hyman — Commenter
    General Counsel and Secretary, Netflix
02/13/11 5:15pm - 6:15pm

02/14/11 9:00am - 9:15am
  • Dale Hatfield
    Spectrum Policy Initiative Co-director and Distinguished Advisor, Silicon Flatirons
02/14/11 9:15am - 11:15am
Panel IV: Institutional Coordination: Towards Order from Chaos
  • Jonathan Sallet — Moderator
    General Counsel, Federal Communications Commission
  • Douglas Sicker — Presenter
    Department Head, Engineering and Public Policy Professor, Engineering & Computer Science
  • Marc Berejka — Presenter
    Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Secretary, Department of Commerce
  • Peter Swire — Presenter
    Co-Chair, W3C Tracking Protection Working Group
  • Kathryn C. Brown — Commenter
    Senior Vice President, Public Policy & Corporate Responsibility, Verizon
  • Jack Waters — Commenter
    Chief Technology Officer, Level 3 Communications
  • Leslie Harris — Commenter
    President and Chief Executive Officer, Center for Democracy and Technology
  • James Assey — Commenter
    Executive Vice President, National Cable & Telecommunications Association
02/14/11 11:15am - 11:45am
Tribute to Fred Kahn
  • Dale Hatfield
    Spectrum Policy Initiative Co-director and Distinguished Advisor, Silicon Flatirons
02/14/11 11:45am - 12:00pm

02/14/11 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Lunch and Closing Address
  • Larry Strickling
    Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)

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