Roundtable: Receivers, Interference and Regulatory Options

Tags: Technology Policy

A Silicon Flatirons Roundtable

Co-Sponsored by CTIA The Wireless Association and Public Knowledge

Tuesday, November 13, 2012; 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Pew Research Center, Washington, DC

To view the report, Click Here.

The 100th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic reminds us that we are celebrating a century of spectrum management since the Radio Act of 1912. While many regulatory questions have been resolved over this period, the fundamental question of how to maximize value and minimize interference remains unchanged, and calls to “improve spectrum efficiency” continue unabated.

Today, as much as ever, we need to maximize the value of radios to users by enabling closer band packing, increased access, and device innovation. More diverse services packed ever closer to each other have made it more important than ever to make wise trade-offs between the interests of transmitters and receivers across service boundaries. The inconclusive debate over receiver regulation over the last decade shows that both operators and regulators need a framework for resolving inter-service interference that includes transmitter as well as receiver considerations. To that end, this meeting focused on the technical aspects of receiver-oriented regulation, particularly regarding rights definition and enforcement. Economic aspects (e.g., rights assignment) are just as important, but were not addressed in this conversation.

A report on the meeting is being prepared, and will be posted here.

Meeting goals

  • Broaden the circle of spectrum players thinking about interference limits policy as part of receiver regulation
  • Test, evolve and improve interference limits as a policy solution
  • Test ideas from, and provide input to, the FCC TAC receivers working group
  • Recommend actions to the FCC

A list of meeting materials, including an event brief and background reading, can be found in the right-hand side bar.

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