Crash Course: Sales for Startups, featuring Howard Diamond, CEO of MobileDay, TechStars Mentor, and Salesman Extraordinaire

Tags: Entrepreneurship

Please join Silicon Flatirons on Tuesday, September 24th at 6:15 as Howard Diamond, one of the Front Range’s most respected entrepreneurs, presents a Crash Course on Sales for Startups. This Crash Course will provide insight from a dynamic speaker who has sold over $14 Billon in software. Howard will discuss how startups can make sales a successful part of their venture. This Crash Course will begin with a primer on sales for startups and, following that, will examine three area startup companies as case studies.

Speaker: Howard Diamond
Howard Diamond has a long history of building companies. He took a startup education venture, Course Technology, from 0 to $75 million in five years. He built Corporate Software, the largest software reseller for Microsoft and IBM, from $500 Million in revenue to $1.2 Billion in six years. He subsequently was Chairman of the Information Services Group at Level3, where he ran a $2.7 Billion technology group and orchestrated the largest merger ever in the software reseller business. Howard is currently the CEO of a Boulder based group called MobileDay. MobileDay (whose lead investors are The Foundry Group and Softbank Ventures) is trying to change how calls are made from smartphones, by offering 1-touch conference and international calls which take advantage of their LCD (Least Cost Dialing) feature. Dramatic Cost savings for enterprises, convenience and safety for end users.

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