Zach Nies, VP of Education at Techstars, will join Silicon Flatirons and the CU New Venture Challenge for a Crash Course on building successful startups. Based on his personal experience building and helping 100s of high-growth companies, Zach has identified four keys to building a successful startup. This workshop will give you practice with those four keys and help you on your way to building a successful company.
Come experience how to build a business that works over a long period of time, by balancing what you can build today with what will delight your customers tomorrow. This workshop will combine the most powerful techniques from the Design Thinking and Lean Startup movements. The event will focus on high-growth business based on the deep experience of a former CTO from one of the Front Range’s leading companies and a current VP at the Front Range’s most well-established accelerator. Entrepreneurs are by nature execution-oriented and you will walk away with concrete, actionable steps that will help you grow your business tomorrow. The subject matter should be relevant to both entrepreneurs creating new companies and entrepreneurs reinventing existing enterprises.
You will learn:
- how to understand what your customers really want and how to take that product/service to market
- how to figure out the balance between what you can build today and what technology will unlock your market in the future
- how to develop a business model that works
- how to build a culture that can survive the ups and downs of life
Zach Nies, VP of Education, Techstars
Zach is VP of Eduction at Techstars and a member of the faculty at the University of Colorado at Boulder. His whole career has been dedicated to entrepreneurship at startups and inside large companies. He is using that experience guided by his core value of Learn, Do, Teach, Learn to help companies of all sizes successfully bring new products and services to market. At CU, he is an Entrepreneurship Initiative Advisory Board member for the Silicon Flatirons Center and the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Prior to being VP of Education, Zach was a Managing Director for the Boulder Techstars program. Before joining Techstars, Zach was Chief Technologist at Rally Software.