An FCC for the Internet Age: Reform and Standard-Setting

A Conference Hosted by Silicon Flatirons, Public Knowledge and the Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF).

Tags: Spectrum Policy / Technology Policy


Last year, Silicon Flatirons co-hosted events, respectively, with Public Knowledge on FCC reform, and ITIF on innovation economics and new models of governance. This conference is a follow-up and confluence of those two topics: Where do we stand on efforts at FCC reform? And how do new models of governance and standard-setting fit into that reform effort?

The preamble from the website summarizes the conclusions from the January 2009 conference: “The consensus was clear – the FCC has serious procedural, organizational, and cultural problems that must be addressed by the agency’s incoming leaders as soon as practicable.” While the current FCC leadership is being asked to perform many tasks, the consensus about reform is foundational to the credibility of any actions the agency might take. Accordingly, it is not too early to assess whether and how the new FCC is addressing those procedural, organizational and cultural issues and if the FCC has made progress on reform. These issues will all be addressed in the first panel.

The second panel will explore the purpose and guiding principles of standard-setting for broadband, as well as the specific topics standard-setting and mediating institutions might be well-suited to address.


  • Dale Hatfield
    Spectrum Policy Initiative Co-director and Distinguished Advisor, Silicon Flatirons
The Present and Future of FCC Reform
  • Gigi B. Sohn — Moderator
    Counselor to the Chairman, Federal Communications Commission
  • Nick Johnson
    Professor of Law, University of Iowa
  • Susan Crawford
    Professor of Law, Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University
  • Mark Cooper
    Research Director, Consumer Federation of America
  • Mary Beth Richards
    Special Counsel, Federal Communications Commission
  • Austin Schlick
    General Counsel, Federal Communications Commission
  • Matthew Hussey
    Telecommunications Legislative Assistant, Senator Olympia Snowe
Networking Break

Regulatory Reforms: Standard-Setting and Mediating Institutions
  • Robert D. Atkinson — Moderator
    President, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
  • Kathryn C. Brown
    Senior Vice President, Public Policy & Corporate Responsibility, Verizon
  • JP de Vries
    Director Emeritus and Distinguished Advisor, Silicon Flatirons
  • Rick Whitt
    Corporate Vice President and Global Head of Public Policy and Government Relations, Motorola Mobility LLC/Google Inc.
  • Paul de Sa
    Chief, Office of Strategic Planning & Policy Analysis, Federal Communications Commission
  • Kathleen Wallman
    CEO, Wallman Strategic Consulting

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