Martin Tisné

Luminate — Managing Director

As Managing Director, Martin is responsible for Luminate’s Data & Digital Rights impact area, work in Europe, and policy and advocacy. Martin brings over 15 years of investment and leadership experience to his role, including founding and co-founding two multi-stakeholder initiatives and three NGOs.

Alongside the Obama White House, Martin founded the Open Government Partnership and helped it grow to a 70+ country initiative. He also initiated the International Open Data Charter, the G8 Open Data Charter, and the G20’s commitment to open data principles. Martin is the co-founder of Publish What You Fund, a global campaign for foreign aid transparency, and Integrity Watch Afghanistan, the country’s leading anti-corruption NGO.

Prior to joining Luminate, Martin founded and ran the Transparency and Accountability Initiative – a donor collaborative bringing together the world’s largest open government funders. He is a board member of the Open Data Institute, a steering committee member of Reset, and a member of the UK’s AI Council.

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