Innovation Economics for the Next Administration

As 2009 approaches with a new administration to take office, questions as to how to spur innovation will by necessity loom large on the policy agenda. Nonetheless, fresh thinking about how to craft an innovation-based economic policy, what innovation policies to implement and how to implement them effectively are in short supply. In this conference, ITIF and Silicon Flatirons will set forth both the conceptual framework and a set of specific policy proposals to raise the level of debate.

Tags: Technology Policy

As 2009 approaches with a new administration to take office, questions as to how to spur innovation will by necessity loom large on the policy agenda. Nonetheless, fresh thinking about how to craft an innovation-based economic policy, what innovation policies to implement and how to implement them effectively are in short supply. In this conference, ITIF and Silicon Flatirons will set forth both the conceptual framework and a set of specific policy proposals to raise the level of debate.

Click here to download the conference agenda.

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